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Time to Bloom in June


Updated: Apr 7, 2021

Coaching Corner: What are your foundation principles? What do you want to build your life on? Who are you? Last month I shared the different levels of energy with you. The energy levels reflect one part of my foundation. Another supporting element in my life is the Four Agreements. (Image source:


Reading Corner:

The Four Agreements mentioned above come from Don Miguel Ruiz and his book, The Four Agreements: A Practical Guide to Personal Freedom. Each time I read the Four Agreements, I am impacted by a different way all depending on where I am in my life and what I am experiencing. It's a great book to read annually, or just a quick glance at the image above.


Living Environmentally Friendly:

I had a mini compost bin on my kitchen countertop for years to collect food scraps. I finally made the decision to compost more rapidly and purchased the following outdoor composter,

I use the compost for my potted, outdoor plants, mini veggie garden, lawn care, and ornamental lawn care. A great resource for composting can be found here,


Making Me Healthier:

I have incorporrated the use of a HIIT interval timer with my battle ropes. It helps me gauge my progress and helps me increase the benefits of my work outs.


Still Using: It took me a handful of times before I was used to the silicon mat vs parchment paper. I am happy I stuck with it to keep on my zero-waste living.



I made the switch to stainless steel baking sheets over any aluminum cookware.

If you've ever roasted veggies or fish in the oven, you probably used aluminum foil. And if you've ever baked a lasagna to bring to a potluck, you may have made it in a throwaway baking ban. But you may want to reconsider going heavy metal. A recent article from The Journal of Alzheimer's Disease linked the consumption of aluminum to Alzheimer's and other neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson's.

Though most aluminum cookware is safe to use because it's oxidized (a process that prevents the aluminum from leaching into your food), straight up aluminum is a different story. Since it hasn't been oxidized, the risk of leaching is high—especially when it's exposed to scorching temperatures. This is especially true when cooking with acidic foods like tomatoes since they expedite the leaching process. You should also avoid storing acid foods in aluminum or other metal containers (like the ones restaurants use for takeout) for long periods of time, advises food safety specialist Angela M. Fraser, Ph.D. (Source: Also, please see,


When I inadvertently came home with a head of cabbage instead of a head of lettuce, I quickly found this delicious cabbage soup recipe, I made the following modifications, added more potatoes, added cauliflower rice and parsley, and cut the broth down to three cups. I like to eat my soup with a fork 😉

(Image source:


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Jun 30, 2020

I like the Four Agreements and your compost bin. I need to get those silicon mats. I'm happy to say that I did switch over to stainless steel baking sheets over my aluminum cookware, about two years ago. Nice quick blog. Made me think. Thanks.

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